path: root/spacemacs
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Diffstat (limited to 'spacemacs')
1 files changed, 247 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/spacemacs b/spacemacs
index 36df036..52c6b8a 120000..100644
--- a/spacemacs
+++ b/spacemacs
@@ -1 +1,247 @@
-/home/lidavidm/.spacemacs \ No newline at end of file
+;; -*- mode: emacs-lisp -*-
+;; This file is loaded by Spacemacs at startup.
+;; It must be stored in your home directory.
+(defun dotspacemacs/layers ()
+ "Configuration Layers declaration."
+ (setq-default
+ ;; List of additional paths where to look for configuration layers.
+ ;; Paths must have a trailing slash (i.e. `~/.mycontribs/')
+ dotspacemacs-configuration-layer-path '()
+ ;; List of configuration layers to load. If it is the symbol `all' instead
+ ;; of a list then all discovered layers will be installed.
+ dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
+ '(
+ ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ ;; Example of useful layers you may want to use right away.
+ ;; Uncomment some layer names and press <SPC f e R> (Vim style) or
+ ;; <M-m f e R> (Emacs style) to install them.
+ ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ ;; auto-completion
+ ;; better-defaults
+ emacs-lisp
+ auctex
+ c-c++
+ html
+ javascript
+ smex
+ python
+ ess
+ flycheck
+ flyspell
+ latex
+ auto-completion
+ company
+ colors
+ ;; git
+ markdown
+ rust
+ ;; org
+ ;; (shell :variables
+ ;; shell-default-height 30
+ ;; shell-default-position 'bottom)
+ ;; syntax-checking
+ version-control
+ themes-megapack
+ )
+ ;; List of additional packages that will be installed without being
+ ;; wrapped in a layer. If you need some configuration for these
+ ;; packages then consider to create a layer, you can also put the
+ ;; configuration in `dotspacemacs/config'.
+ dotspacemacs-additional-packages '()
+ ;; A list of packages and/or extensions that will not be install and loaded.
+ dotspacemacs-excluded-packages '()
+ ;; If non-nil spacemacs will delete any orphan packages, i.e. packages that
+ ;; are declared in a layer which is not a member of
+ ;; the list `dotspacemacs-configuration-layers'
+ dotspacemacs-delete-orphan-packages t))
+(defun dotspacemacs/init ()
+ "Initialization function.
+This function is called at the very startup of Spacemacs initialization
+before layers configuration."
+ ;; This setq-default sexp is an exhaustive list of all the supported
+ ;; spacemacs settings.
+ (setq-default
+ ;; Either `vim' or `emacs'. Evil is always enabled but if the variable
+ ;; is `emacs' then the `holy-mode' is enabled at startup.
+ dotspacemacs-editing-style 'vim
+ ;; If non nil output loading progress in `*Messages*' buffer.
+ dotspacemacs-verbose-loading nil
+ ;; Specify the startup banner. Default value is `official', it displays
+ ;; the official spacemacs logo. An integer value is the index of text
+ ;; banner, `random' chooses a random text banner in `core/banners'
+ ;; directory. A string value must be a path to an image format supported
+ ;; by your Emacs build.
+ ;; If the value is nil then no banner is displayed.
+ dotspacemacs-startup-banner 'official
+ ;; List of items to show in the startup buffer. If nil it is disabled.
+ ;; Possible values are: `recents' `bookmarks' `projects'."
+ dotspacemacs-startup-lists '(recents projects)
+ ;; List of themes, the first of the list is loaded when spacemacs starts.
+ ;; Press <SPC> T n to cycle to the next theme in the list (works great
+ ;; with 2 themes variants, one dark and one light)
+ dotspacemacs-themes '(solarized-light
+ solarized-dark)
+ ;; If non nil the cursor color matches the state color.
+ dotspacemacs-colorize-cursor-according-to-state t
+ ;; Default font. `powerline-scale' allows to quickly tweak the mode-line
+ ;; size to make separators look not too crappy.
+ dotspacemacs-default-font '("Source Code Pro"
+ :size 12
+ :weight normal
+ :width normal
+ :powerline-scale 1.1)
+ ;; The leader key
+ dotspacemacs-leader-key "SPC"
+ ;; The leader key accessible in `emacs state' and `insert state'
+ dotspacemacs-emacs-leader-key "M-m"
+ ;; Major mode leader key is a shortcut key which is the equivalent of
+ ;; pressing `<leader> m`. Set it to `nil` to disable it.
+ dotspacemacs-major-mode-leader-key ","
+ ;; Major mode leader key accessible in `emacs state' and `insert state'
+ dotspacemacs-major-mode-emacs-leader-key "C-M-m"
+ ;; The command key used for Evil commands (ex-commands) and
+ ;; Emacs commands (M-x).
+ ;; By default the command key is `:' so ex-commands are executed like in Vim
+ ;; with `:' and Emacs commands are executed with `<leader> :'.
+ dotspacemacs-command-key ":"
+ ;; Location where to auto-save files. Possible values are `original' to
+ ;; auto-save the file in-place, `cache' to auto-save the file to another
+ ;; file stored in the cache directory and `nil' to disable auto-saving.
+ ;; Default value is `cache'.
+ dotspacemacs-auto-save-file-location 'cache
+ ;; If non nil then `ido' replaces `helm' for some commands. For now only
+ ;; `find-files' (SPC f f) is replaced.
+ dotspacemacs-use-ido t
+ ;; If non nil the paste micro-state is enabled. When enabled pressing `p`
+ ;; several times cycle between the kill ring content.
+ dotspacemacs-enable-paste-micro-state nil
+ ;; Guide-key delay in seconds. The Guide-key is the popup buffer listing
+ ;; the commands bound to the current keystrokes.
+ dotspacemacs-guide-key-delay 0.4
+ ;; If non nil a progress bar is displayed when spacemacs is loading. This
+ ;; may increase the boot time on some systems and emacs builds, set it to
+ ;; nil ;; to boost the loading time.
+ dotspacemacs-loading-progress-bar t
+ ;; If non nil the frame is fullscreen when Emacs starts up.
+ ;; (Emacs 24.4+ only)
+ dotspacemacs-fullscreen-at-startup nil
+ ;; If non nil `spacemacs/toggle-fullscreen' will not use native fullscreen.
+ ;; Use to disable fullscreen animations in OSX."
+ dotspacemacs-fullscreen-use-non-native nil
+ ;; If non nil the frame is maximized when Emacs starts up.
+ ;; Takes effect only if `dotspacemacs-fullscreen-at-startup' is nil.
+ ;; (Emacs 24.4+ only)
+ dotspacemacs-maximized-at-startup nil
+ ;; A value from the range (0..100), in increasing opacity, which describes
+ ;; the transparency level of a frame when it's active or selected.
+ ;; Transparency can be toggled through `toggle-transparency'.
+ dotspacemacs-active-transparency 90
+ ;; A value from the range (0..100), in increasing opacity, which describes
+ ;; the transparency level of a frame when it's inactive or deselected.
+ ;; Transparency can be toggled through `toggle-transparency'.
+ dotspacemacs-inactive-transparency 90
+ ;; If non nil unicode symbols are displayed in the mode line.
+ dotspacemacs-mode-line-unicode-symbols t
+ ;; If non nil smooth scrolling (native-scrolling) is enabled. Smooth
+ ;; scrolling overrides the default behavior of Emacs which recenters the
+ ;; point when it reaches the top or bottom of the screen.
+ dotspacemacs-smooth-scrolling t
+ ;; If non-nil smartparens-strict-mode will be enabled in programming modes.
+ dotspacemacs-smartparens-strict-mode nil
+ ;; Select a scope to highlight delimiters. Possible value is `all',
+ ;; `current' or `nil'. Default is `all'
+ dotspacemacs-highlight-delimiters 'all
+ ;; If non nil advises quit functions to keep server open when quitting.
+ dotspacemacs-persistent-server nil
+ ;; List of search tool executable names. Spacemacs uses the first installed
+ ;; tool of the list. Supported tools are `ag', `pt', `ack' and `grep'.
+ dotspacemacs-search-tools '("ag" "pt" "ack" "grep")
+ ;; The default package repository used if no explicit repository has been
+ ;; specified with an installed package.
+ ;; Not used for now.
+ dotspacemacs-default-package-repository nil
+ )
+ ;; User initialization goes here
+ (defun highlight-todos ()
+ (font-lock-add-keywords nil '(("\\<\\(NOTE\\|TODO\\|HACK\\|BUG\\):" 1 font-lock-warning-face t))))
+ (add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'highlight-todos)
+ (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'highlight-todos)
+ (add-hook 'TeX-mode-hook 'highlight-todos)
+ (add-hook 'ConTeXt-mode-hook 'highlight-todos)
+ (add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'highlight-todos)
+ )
+(defun dotspacemacs/config ()
+ "Configuration function.
+ This function is called at the very end of Spacemacs initialization after
+layers configuration."
+ (global-linum-mode) ;; show line numbers by default
+;; Do not write anything past this comment. This is where Emacs will
+;; auto-generate custom variable definitions.
+ ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
+ ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
+ ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
+ ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
+ '(TeX-command-list
+ (quote
+ (("TeX" "%(PDF)%(tex) %(file-line-error) %(extraopts) %`%S%(PDFout)%(mode)%' %t" TeX-run-TeX nil
+ (plain-tex-mode texinfo-mode ams-tex-mode)
+ :help "Run plain TeX")
+ ("LaTeX" "%`%l%(mode)%' %t" TeX-run-TeX nil
+ (latex-mode doctex-mode)
+ :help "Run LaTeX")
+ ("Makeinfo" "makeinfo %(extraopts) %t" TeX-run-compile nil
+ (texinfo-mode)
+ :help "Run Makeinfo with Info output")
+ ("Makeinfo HTML" "makeinfo %(extraopts) --html %t" TeX-run-compile nil
+ (texinfo-mode)
+ :help "Run Makeinfo with HTML output")
+ ("AmSTeX" "%(PDF)amstex %(extraopts) %`%S%(PDFout)%(mode)%' %t" TeX-run-TeX nil
+ (ams-tex-mode)
+ :help "Run AMSTeX")
+ ("ConTeXt" "PATH=/home/lidavidm/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin:$PATH context --path=/home/lidavidm/config/context %t" TeX-run-TeX nil
+ (context-mode)
+ :help "Run ConTeXt once")
+ ("ConTeXt Full" "texexec %(extraopts) %(execopts)%t" TeX-run-TeX nil
+ (context-mode)
+ :help "Run ConTeXt until completion")
+ ("BibTeX" "bibtex %s" TeX-run-BibTeX nil t :help "Run BibTeX")
+ ("Biber" "biber %s" TeX-run-Biber nil t :help "Run Biber")
+ ("View" "%V" TeX-run-discard-or-function t t :help "Run Viewer")
+ ("Print" "%p" TeX-run-command t t :help "Print the file")
+ ("Queue" "%q" TeX-run-background nil t :help "View the printer queue" :visible TeX-queue-command)
+ ("File" "%(o?)dvips %d -o %f " TeX-run-command t t :help "Generate PostScript file")
+ ("Index" "makeindex %s" TeX-run-command nil t :help "Create index file")
+ ("Xindy" "texindy %s" TeX-run-command nil t :help "Run xindy to create index file")
+ ("Check" "lacheck %s" TeX-run-compile nil
+ (latex-mode)
+ :help "Check LaTeX file for correctness")
+ ("ChkTeX" "chktex -v6 %s" TeX-run-compile nil
+ (latex-mode)
+ :help "Check LaTeX file for common mistakes")
+ ("Spell" "(TeX-ispell-document \"\")" TeX-run-function nil t :help "Spell-check the document")
+ ("Clean" "TeX-clean" TeX-run-function nil t :help "Delete generated intermediate files")
+ ("Clean All" "(TeX-clean t)" TeX-run-function nil t :help "Delete generated intermediate and output files")
+ ("Other" "" TeX-run-command t t :help "Run an arbitrary command"))))
+ '(ahs-case-fold-search nil)
+ '(ahs-default-range (quote ahs-range-whole-buffer))
+ '(ahs-idle-interval 0.25)
+ '(ahs-idle-timer 0 t)
+ '(ahs-inhibit-face-list nil)
+ '(asm-comment-char 35)
+ '(expand-region-contract-fast-key "V")
+ '(expand-region-reset-fast-key "r")
+ '(ring-bell-function (quote ignore) t))
+ ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
+ ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
+ ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
+ ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
+ '(default ((t (:background nil))))
+ '(company-tooltip-common ((t (:inherit company-tooltip :weight bold :underline nil))))
+ '(company-tooltip-common-selection ((t (:inherit company-tooltip-selection :weight bold :underline nil)))))