// Copyright ⓒ 2017 David Li. // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. use std::rc::Rc; use ::ast::{self, WithLocation}; use super::environment; use super::frame; use super::ir; use super::translate::{self, Expression, LevelRef, Translate}; use super::types::{self, Ty}; #[derive(Debug)] pub enum TypeError { Unimplemented, LengthMismatch { expected: usize, actual: usize, }, Mismatch { expected: Ty, actual: Ty, }, UnboundName, } enum VarValue { Function, Variable(Expression, Ty), } type VarEnvironment<'a> = environment::Environment<'a, String, VarValue>; type TypeEnvironment<'a> = environment::Environment<'a, String, Ty>; pub type Result = ::std::result::Result>; pub fn translate( translate: &mut Translate, level: LevelRef, program: &ast::Program) -> Result<(translate::Expression, Ty)> { let mut venv = VarEnvironment::new(None); let mut tenv = TypeEnvironment::new(None); tenv.add_binding("int".into(), Ty::Int); tenv.add_binding("string".into(), Ty::String); trans_exp(translate, level, &mut venv, &mut tenv, &*program.0) } macro_rules! err { ($exp: expr, $err: expr) => { Err(WithLocation::new($err, $exp.start, $exp.end)) } } fn trans_ty<'a>( venv: &mut VarEnvironment<'a>, tenv: &mut TypeEnvironment<'a>, ty: &WithLocation) -> Result { match ty.value { ast::Ty::Name(ref name) => { tenv.lookup(&name) .map(|v| v.clone()) .ok_or(WithLocation::new(TypeError::UnboundName, ty.start, ty.end)) } ast::Ty::Array(ref inner_ty) => { trans_ty(venv, tenv, &inner_ty) }, ast::Ty::Record(ref fields) => { let mut result = vec![]; for field in fields { result.push(types::RecordField::new( field.name.clone(), trans_ty(venv, tenv, &field.ty)?)); } Ok(Ty::Record(result)) }, } } fn trans_decl<'a, F: frame::Frame>( tr: &mut Translate, level: LevelRef, venv: &mut VarEnvironment<'a>, tenv: &mut TypeEnvironment<'a>, decl: &WithLocation) -> Result<(translate::Expression, Ty)> { match decl.declaration { ast::DeclarationBody::Fun { ref ty, ref params, ref body } => { let declared_ty = if let &Some(ref ty) = ty { Some(ast::WithLocation::new(trans_ty(venv, tenv, &ty)?, ty.start, ty.end)) } else { None }; let mut new_venv = VarEnvironment::new(Some(venv)); let mut new_tenv = TypeEnvironment::new(Some(tenv)); let mut arg_types = vec![]; for param in params.iter() { let arg_ty = trans_ty(&mut new_venv, &mut new_tenv, ¶m.ty)?; arg_types.push(arg_ty.clone()); // TODO: // new_venv.add_binding(param.name.value.clone(), arg_ty); } let (body_exp, body_ty) = trans_exp(tr, level, &mut new_venv, &mut new_tenv, &*body)?; if let Some(decl_ty) = declared_ty { if &decl_ty.value != &body_ty { return err!(decl_ty, TypeError::Mismatch { expected: decl_ty.value, actual: body_ty, }); } } return err!(decl, TypeError::Unimplemented); // Ok(Ty::Function(arg_types, Box::new(body_ty))) } ast::DeclarationBody::Ty { ref ty } => { return err!(decl, TypeError::Unimplemented); // trans_ty(venv, tenv, ty) } ast::DeclarationBody::Var { ref ty, ref value } => { let (var_exp, actual_ty) = trans_exp(tr, level.clone(), venv, tenv, &value)?; if let &Some(ref ty) = ty { let decl_ty = trans_ty(venv, tenv, &ty)?; if decl_ty != actual_ty { return err!(ty, TypeError::Mismatch { expected: decl_ty, actual: actual_ty, }); } } Ok((tr.alloc_local(&mut level.borrow_mut(), frame::Escape::Yes), actual_ty)) } } } fn trans_exp<'a, F: frame::Frame>( tr: &mut Translate, level: LevelRef, venv: &mut VarEnvironment<'a>, tenv: &mut TypeEnvironment<'a>, exp: &WithLocation) -> Result<(translate::Expression, Ty)> { use ast::Expression::*; match &exp.value { &Let(ref decls, ref body) => { let mut new_venv = VarEnvironment::new(Some(venv)); let mut new_tenv = TypeEnvironment::new(Some(tenv)); for decl in decls.iter() { let (decl_exp, decl_ty) = trans_decl(tr, level.clone(), &mut new_venv, &mut new_tenv, decl)?; match decl.declaration { ast::DeclarationBody::Fun { .. } | ast::DeclarationBody::Var { .. } => { new_venv.add_binding(decl.name.clone(), VarValue::Variable(decl_exp, decl_ty)); } ast::DeclarationBody::Ty { .. } => { new_tenv.add_binding(decl.name.clone(), decl_ty); } } } trans_exp(tr, level, &mut new_venv, &mut new_tenv, &*body) }, &Call(ref name, ref args) => { let mut arg_types = vec![]; for arg in args { arg_types.push(trans_exp(tr, level.clone(), venv, tenv, arg)?); } let value = venv.lookup(name) .ok_or(WithLocation::new(TypeError::UnboundName, exp.start, exp.end))?; match value { &VarValue::Function => { // (ref fun_exp, ref fun_ty); // match fun_ty { // &Ty::Function(ref expected_args, ref result) => { // if expected_args.len() != arg_types.len() { // return err!(exp, TypeError::LengthMismatch { // expected: expected_args.len(), // actual: arg_types.len(), // }); // } // for (i, (&(_, ref provided_ty), expected_ty)) in // arg_types.iter().zip(expected_args).enumerate() { // if provided_ty != expected_ty { // return err!(args[i], TypeError::Mismatch { // expected: expected_ty.clone(), // actual: provided_ty.clone(), // }) // } // } // err!(exp, TypeError::Unimplemented) // // Ok((**result).clone()) // }, // otherwise => { // err!(exp, TypeError::Mismatch { // // TODO: better way to handle this // expected: Ty::Function( // arg_types.into_iter().map(|v| v.1).collect(), // Box::new(Ty::Nil)), // actual: otherwise.clone(), // }) // } // } err!(exp, TypeError::Unimplemented) } &VarValue::Variable(..) => { err!(exp, TypeError::Unimplemented) } } }, &UnaryOp(ref op, ref operand) => { use ast::UnaryOp::*; let (operand_exp, operand_ty) = trans_exp(tr, level, venv, tenv, operand)?; match op { &Neg | &Pos => { match operand_ty { Ty::Int => { err!(exp, TypeError::Unimplemented) // Ok(Ty::Int) } other => { err!(operand, TypeError::Mismatch { expected: Ty::Int, actual: other, }) } } } &Not => { err!(exp, TypeError::Unimplemented) } } }, &BinOp(ref op, ref left, ref right) => { use ast::BinOp::*; let (left_exp, left_ty) = trans_exp(tr, level.clone(), venv, tenv, left)?; let (right_exp, right_ty) = trans_exp(tr, level, venv, tenv, right)?; match op { &Add => { match (left_ty, right_ty) { (Ty::Int, Ty::Int) => { Ok((tr.make_binop(ir::BinOp::Plus, left_exp, right_exp), Ty::Int)) } (Ty::String, Ty::String) => { err!(exp, TypeError::Unimplemented) // Ok(Ty::String) } (Ty::Int, other) | (other, Ty::Int) => { err!(right, TypeError::Mismatch { expected: Ty::Int, actual: other, }) } (Ty::String, other) | (other, Ty::String) => { err!(right, TypeError::Mismatch { expected: Ty::String, actual: other, }) } _ => { err!(exp, TypeError::Unimplemented) } } } _ => { err!(exp, TypeError::Unimplemented) } } }, &Number(n) => Ok((tr.make_num(n), Ty::Int)), &String(_) => err!(exp, TypeError::Unimplemented), // &String(_) => Ok(Ty::String), &Name(ref name) => { let result = venv.lookup(name); if let Some(&VarValue::Variable(ref exp, ref ty)) = result { // TODO: clone might be expensive, Rc? Ok((exp.clone(), ty.clone())) } else if let Some(&VarValue::Function) = result { err!(exp, TypeError::Unimplemented) } else { err!(exp, TypeError::UnboundName) } }, &Nil => { Err(WithLocation::new(TypeError::Unimplemented, exp.start, exp.end)) }, } }