#![feature(custom_derive,plugin)] #![plugin(serde_macros)] extern crate hyper; extern crate irc; extern crate serde; extern crate serde_json; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::io::Read; use hyper::Client; use hyper::header::Connection; use irc::client::prelude::*; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct WikiPage { ns: u32, pageid: u32, title: String, extract: String, } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct WikiRedirect { from: String, to: String, } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct WikiQueryResponse { batchcomplete: String, query: WikiQuery, } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct WikiQuery { redirects: Option>, pages: HashMap, } fn main() { let q: WikiQueryResponse = serde_json::from_str("{\"batchcomplete\":\"\",\"query\":{\"pages\":{\"18123\":{\"pageid\":18123,\"ns\":0,\"title\":\"Lisp machine\",\"extract\":\"Lisp machines are general-purpose computers designed to efficiently run Lisp as their main software language, usually through hardware support. They are an example of a high-level language computer architecture, and in a sense, they were the first commercial single-user workstations. Despite being modest in number (perhaps 7,000 units total as of 1988), Lisp machines commercially pioneered many now-commonplace technologies \\u2013 including effective garbage collection, laser printing, windowing systems, computer mice, high-resolution bit-mapped graphics, computer graphic rendering, and networking innovations like Chaosnet. Several companies built and sold Lisp Machines in the 1980s: Symbolics (3600, 3640, XL1200, MacIvory, and other models), Lisp Machines Incorporated (LMI Lambda), Texas Instruments (Explorer and MicroExplorer), and Xerox (Interlisp-D workstations). The operating systems were written in Lisp Machine Lisp, InterLisp (Xerox), and later partly in Common Lisp.\"}}}}").unwrap(); println!("{:?}", q); let config = Config { nickname: Some(format!("lidavidm_prime")), server: Some(format!("irc.freenode.net")), channels: Some(vec![format!("#opensourcecornell")]), .. Default::default() }; let server = IrcServer::from_config(config).unwrap(); server.identify().unwrap(); for message in server.iter() { let message = message.unwrap(); // We'll just panic if there's an error. print!("{}", message.into_string()); if &message.command[..] == "PRIVMSG" { if let Some(msg) = message.suffix { if msg.starts_with("!wiki") { let article = msg[5..].trim(); let response = format!("Looking up \"{}\" on Wikipedia for you...", article); server.send_privmsg(&message.args[0], &response).unwrap(); let mut client = Client::new(); let mut res = client .get(&format!("https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&prop=extracts&format=json&exintro=&explaintext=&titles={}&redirects=", article.replace(" ", "%20"))) .header(hyper::header::UserAgent("lidavidm_irc_bot/0.1 (https://git.lidavidm.me; li.davidm96@gmail.com) hyper/0.7.2".to_owned())) .header(Connection::close()) .send().unwrap(); let mut body = String::new(); res.read_to_string(&mut body).unwrap(); let response: serde_json::Result = serde_json::from_str(&body); if let Ok(q) = response { for page in q.query.pages.values() { let url = format!("https://en.wikipedia.org/?curid={}", page.pageid); server.send_privmsg(&message.args[0], &format!("{}: {}", page.title, url)).unwrap(); server.send_privmsg(&message.args[0], &page.extract).unwrap(); break; } } else { server.send_privmsg(&message.args[0], "Sorry, I couldn't retrieve the wiki page.").unwrap(); println!("{} {:?}", body, response); } } } } } }