# CacheRacer TODOs: https://www.lidavidm.me/todos/cacheracer.html CacheRacer is a game: two programs compete to try to fill as much memory with their own byte value (payload) as possible on a shared machine. The goal is to optimize the program to make the best use of the cache, while defending against and using various strategies to disrupt the enemy program. This project is based on an assignment given in past years in Cornell's CS 3410 class. No code from that project is used here. For those familiar with the game, various details have been changed or reworked, so this is not a 1:1 reimplementation. CacheRacer is written in Rust, and uses the RISC-V ISA. ## Contributing Email [li.davidm96@gmail.com](mailto:li.davidm96@gmail.com).